Hugh Howey: The Conundrum That Baffles The Publishing World

If you’ve never read Wool, then I urge you to get it from Amazon or your favorite e-book store. It is free for the first hit. The rest will cost you, but my oh my, they will addict you like textual smack. Black Tar textual smack.

Now that you’ve read that, or if you’re already a fan, you really need to understand why Hugh Howey is the hero to many self-published authors, including me, and somewhat of an anti-hero to the traditional publishing world, or at best, a conundrum that constantly evolves and cannot be predicted.

What is the beauty of having a physical book? Is it because it is made of paper? Is it the size? The smell of the pages and cover? The way the pages feel under your fingers? The memories of growing up with physical books? I still love physical books, but I’m also a huge Kindle fan (a fan of all e-readers to be honest, since that is the direction the literary world is evolving in).

The one thing e-books don’t have that physical books have, well, one of the things, but sometimes the most important thing, is a physical presence. So in a sense, without a physical presence, it can have no smell, no paper pages, and since it is so new, no real fond memories of sitting under a tree in the summer reading an epic story. Maybe some of you have had this memory with the e-readers, but I’m still working towards that goal.

But what if you could have an e-book AND a physical presence to remind you of it? Friends, this is why Hugh Howey is someone authors like me respect and publishers cannot predict:

What will the man think of next?

Sharknado – Ultimate Entertainment Experience!

Boy. I don’t know what to say. My wife Carly and I just watched SyFy’s super-mega-ultra-awesome new movie “Sharknado”.

For those of you not paying attention to EARTH in the last few months, this movie stars Ian Ziering (90210) and Tara Reid (tabloids?). The plot is that a few super-tornadoes apparently spawn over the ocean next to Los Angeles, and somehow suck up 2,348,003 sharks of various, man-eating types, and begin to wander all over Los Angeles destroying things while the sharks that are rotating around inside…eat people.

Now, I did miss the first hour of this Emmy-Nominated (my own personal fantasy here, carry on) masterpiece, so I might have missed a lot of the important plot bits. The second half though, was a %@#$#@ ROLLER COASTER OF PLEASURE for my brain.

Wife too, Carly loved it. She spent the last hour of the movie (basically from the instant we turned it on) alternating between raging at the television, to screaming at the television, to one time standing straight up off the couch and screaming “THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!”

Now, to be fair, it COULD happen. She doesn’t believe in the power of sci-fi like I do (hence why she’s a history teacher and I’m a writer). IT COULD happen that a dude could push a young woman out of the way of a shark that has just fallen out of a raging tornado (I’m assuming an F4 or F5, they were huge) straight down, mouth-first, started up his chainsaw, and dived off the pavement straight into the shark’s mouth.

Two minutes later, Carly topped her previous amount of disbelief when the dude CUTS HIS WAY OUT OF THE SHARK. With his chainsaw. Not only that, he rescues a helicopter pilot’s girlfriend (?) that had been eaten by the same shark not TEN minutes earlier while they were a thousand feet in the air flying right on the outer edge of one of these sharknadoes. The shark literally flew out of the sharknado, snatched this girl from the passenger seat of the helicopter, and then I guess disappeared back into the raging sharknado.

You guys…it was so awesome. I really wish you all had been there. There are no words to describe it properly…

It makes me wonder sometimes…WHO WRITES THIS SHIT???? And how the hell can I get hooked up with SyFy to sell a story like this? I have one of those ‘plot wheels’ just like SyFy does…you know, the one with the three wheels and you spin each one and write a story about whatever topics match up.

I just spun mine, and my next story is going to be about a congressman who is actually an ancient spider that has called his alien brethren back to Earth so they can devour human blood of their victims that have been falsely convicted of terrorism and sent to Guantanamo…

I’ll let you all know if SyFy bites on this. I really, truly don’t understand how they couldn’t!


PS It came on again two hours later, and we watched the entire thing while I live-tweeted it…amazing…

It’s Better This Way – Free Science Fiction Novella

Hello everyone. If you’d like to read my science fiction novella “It’s Better This Way” just click one of the links below:

Kindle (.MOBI file) – place this file in the Documents folder of your Kindle

Nook and other e-readers (.EPUB file) – I don’t own an Epub-capable reader unfortunately

MS Word Document (.DOC file)

Rich Text Format (.RTF file)

It's Better This Way - small cover


Twenty-three years ago, the ‘bulls’ appeared in orbit and destroyed Earth’s infrastructure in less than ten seconds.

These days, the alien invaders aren’t as much of a problem as the surviving humans are.

Evan Greggs has learned that things aren’t always as bad as they seem, but sometimes the choices to be made are as murky as they are difficult.

24,000 word novella.


The book is free, so feel free to pass it around to anyone you think might be interested!


It’s Better This Way – new novella published

Just in case you are one of the three people who follow me and didn’t yet know this, I got around to publishing the short novella “It’s Better This Way” over at Smashwords and Amazon. Amazon of course takes 12+ hours to approve, but the link for Smashwords will work just fine.

It’s Better This Way – FREE! @ Smashwords

It’s Better This Way – FREE! (soon hopefully, otherwise $.99) @ Amazon

Twenty-three years ago, the ‘bulls’ appeared in orbit and destroyed Earth’s infrastructure in less than ten seconds.

These days, the alien invaders aren’t as much of a problem as the surviving humans are.

Evan Greggs has learned that things aren’t always as bad as they seem, but sometimes the choices to be made are as murky as they are difficult.

24,000 word novella.

It's Better This Way - book cover

Yay! A novella!